• QAbout closing days
    The museum is closed on Mondays, but in the event of a national holiday, it is moved to the following day. The museum is open on Obon and New Year's Day. The museum is closed at the end of the year from the 29th to the 31st
  • QCan I eat in the museum?
    We are very sorry, but eating and drinking are not allowed in the museum. Please use nearby restaurants.
  • QAre there places to eat lunch nearby?
    The nearby Hachiman Shrine and Ohama Beach are wide open, so it is possible to eat a box lunch.
    In case of rain, please use the gymnasium. (Please contact us in advance if you plan to visit the gymnasium.)
    There are several stores nearby that can provide boxed lunches, so please inquire.
  • QAre there any sea turtle-related goods in the museum?
    Currently, there is no museum store or other facilities in the museum.
    Please use the Hiwasa Products Museum at the Roadside Station.
  • QCan I re-enter the museum?
    If you present your ticket, you will be allowed to re-enter only on that day.
  • QWhen do sea turtles come ashore?
    Loggerhead turtles come ashore to lay eggs in spring and summer. And sea turtles prefer cooler weather and nights when there are no foreign enemies to come up to lay eggs. In Minami Town, a sea turtle protection monitoring regulation system was established from May 20 to August 20, and monitors patrol the area.
  • QCan I observe sea turtles coming ashore?
    You can observe the turtles. Turtles laying eggs are very vigilant, so please observe quietly and with the care of a turtle in mind. Please follow the instructions of the monitors. Basically, photography is prohibited.
  • QCan I always see sea turtles coming ashore if I go?
    In the past, turtles landings were daily, but now they are decreasing and cannot be said to be daily. It varies from year to year. During the peak season, there should be 1~2 landfalls within 2~3 days.
    The first peak of spawning is from the end of June to the beginning of July, and the second peak is from the end of July to the beginning of August. After that, there is not much landfall.
  • QI would like to observe spawning. Is there a place where I can wait in the vicinity?
    If you are on foot, you can wait in front of the beach.
    If you are driving, please use the nearby Hachiman Shrine or Hiwasa Roadside Station.
    I heard that they will let you know when the sea turtles come ashore.
    If you are stay at accommodation facilities near Minami Town, the facility will let you know when the turtles come ashore.
    If you register for the "Sea Turtle Mail" service on the Minami Town Tourist Association website, you will receive an email when spawning occurs.
  • QHow much time after being contacted can I observation turtle?
    Depending on the turtle, it takes about 20 minutes after the observer is notified, for the eggs to lay and be ready for viewing.
    Please hurry because after 40 minutes, the spawning may be finished and you may not be able to observe the spawning.
  • QCan you predict the day when sea turtles will lay eggs?
    There are several ways to do this, although it is not a sure thing. Sea turtles often lay eggs on the same beach several times during one season. And it repeats in cycles of about two weeks.
    This means that they are likely to come ashore again about 14 days after the day of spawning. It is often said that the full moon has something to do with this, but in fact it has little to do with it.
  • QI believe they used to hold a baby turtles release event every national holiday during the summer vacation, but do they still do it now?
    The discharge meeting of the baby turtles release has now become the mainstream of the idea that it does not become protection because it exhausts the baby turtles physical strength.
    Therefore, Carretta does not currently hold daytime release sessions for baby turtles, as they are released in the middle of the night.