Hiwasa Junior High School Sea Turtle Research Team started
"It was in 1950 that the area became a ""sea turtle town"".
At the time, food was scarce. A teacher and students of Hiwasa Junior High School found the carcass of a loggerhead turtle, which had been cruelly killed for its meat, on the Ohama beach, and were outraged with tears in their eyes. This should not happen to a sea turtle known as a messenger of the sea! Let's let all of Japan know that we are sea turtles, so that this does not happen ! and junior high school students and teachers launched a sea turtle study group, and began to record the number of times sea turtles lay eggs and research breeding. This was the beginning of the relationship between Hiwasa and sea turtles."
Handing over sea turtle activities to the town
The activities of the Sea Turtle Research Team, which was hard at work, lasted about 10 years.
The results of the research were groundbreaking at the time, leading to various scientific awards from the public. The content was also surprising to sea turtle researchers around the world who learned of it decades later.
Meanwhile,the sea turtles kept in captivity grew solargeandtheresearch of the junior high school students became so well known to the public that many visitors came to the school, which made it impossible for the school to carry out its original activities. The activities of the Sea Turtle Research Team were taken over by the town, and sea turtles will be bred in the town's aquarium.
"Red sea turtles and their eggs on Ohama Beach, Ohama Beach, the spawning ground of red sea turtles" designated as a natural monument by the prefecture
Completion of Hiwasa Town Aquarium, loggerhead turtles kept at junior high school are moved to the aquarium, junior high school sea turtle research wins Yomiuri Shimbun All-Japan Student Science Award.
First sea turtle festival held
Completion of the national lodging “Umigame-so”
Sea turtles and their spawning grounds on Ohama Beach designated as a national natural monument
Presenting a sea turtle to the Togu Imperial Palace
Sea turtle protection regulations started
Artificial sea turtle hatchery completed.
First Turtle Marathon held
Hiwasa Sea Turtle Museum "Caretta" opens.
Caretta Summer School starts
Completion of a tank for observing the breeding of baby turtles at the Sea Turtle Museum.
Hiwasa Sea Turtle International Conference ’88 held
Sea turtle hometown summit held, breeding pool and breeding aquarium expanded
5th Japan Sea Turtle Conference held
Sea Turtle Protection Ordinance enacted, effective June 1st
Ohama beach, a spawning ground for sea turtles, is selected as one of the 100 best beaches in Japan, tagging and hatching rate surveys begin
Renewal opening of the Hiwasa Sea Turtle Museum "Caretta"
Hiwasa Town and Yuki Town merge to form Minami Town
# Sea turtle archive data
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